Prociudadanos pidió a jefe del Hemisferio de la Casa Blanca (@cartajuanero) vacunas contra el Covid 19 para Venezuela (Carta) 

Agencias Internacionales de Noticias.

Es una carta en inglés, dirigida a. Juan González, 

Jefe del Hemisferio Occidental de la Casa Blanca. Fechada en  Washington DC, este 11 de julio de 2021.  Prociudadanos pidió a EE.UU. incluya al pueblo venezolano dentro del plan de países que están siendo beneficiados con la donación de vacunas contra el Covid 19. 

En la carta en inglés se lee: “ Recientemente un informe de la USAID, demuestra que hubo manejos irregulares, en fondos entregados para Venezuela sobre asuntos de ayuda a la democracia y humanitaria.Por tal motivo, pedimos que dichas vacunas sean recibidas por la Conferencia Episcopal Venezolana, institución que representa a los obispos la Iglesia Católica, la institución con mayor credibilidad del país, para que sean distribuidas en los templos del país”

Juan Sebastián Gonzalez, Jefe del Hemisferio Occidental de la Casa Blanca

Aquí el texto en inglés completo:

Juan Gonzalez.

White House Western Hemisphere’s Chief Officer.

Washington DC, July 11, 2021. 

Dear Juan Gonzalez, we’re writing to you because of the solidarity that the United States has historically shown to Venezuela.

For example, in 1895 the United States of America boost to the superpower of that time: the United Kingdom, on behalf of Venezuelan interests and in repudiation of European imperialism.

Veritably, for much of the 20th century, Venezuela was one of the US’ major allies in Latin America and this adjacent relationship led, among other things, to Caracas becoming the largest oil’s supplier to the world’s leading power for a short period in the 1990s.

Seeing this, we respectfully request that the US include the Venezuelan people in the plan of countries that are benefiting from the vaccines’ allowance against COVID-19.

A recent USAID report shows that there were irregularities in the administration and handling of funds given to Venezuela for democracy and humanitarian aid. 

For this reason, we ask that these vaccines can be received by the Venezuelan Episcopal Conference, the institution that represents the bishops of the Catholic Church (the most trustworthy and conceivable institution in Venezuela), so that they can be distributed for all Venezuela’s temples.

Likewise, from our Prociudadanos’ organisation, we make ourselves available as mobilisers and ad honorem supporters in the coordination made by the Church for this very same purpose.

We consider that the US should abolish the issue of vaccines from the political agenda and demonstrate a gesture towards Venezuelans, who are experiencing one of the most unfavorable economic catastrophes on the continent due to the growing political polarisation, system of government and economic sanctions.

Prociudadanos’ National Directorate.


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